The internet is a big place. That means lot’s of stuff that can help your computer, or hurt it.
Below, you’ll find some programs and websites that can help you fix your problems. We’ll do our best to keep this current, so check back often for updates.
Speed Tests
Speed tests allow you to check the network speed to your device. For the most accurate results, you should plug directly in to the PoE Provided by RuralLynx. We can’t diagnose speed problems over WiFi.
Run multiple tests from different sources to get an accurate representation.
Optimization and Malware Removal
Computers are just like your car. They need regular maintenance if you expect them to last. The programs below do that maintenance for you, and help keep your system clean and secure.
For now, the programs are provided here ‘as is’. As we continue to improve our site, we will provide guides to help you use them.
Power Outages
Wireless networks work on a backbone of towers and wireless links. Unfortunately, due to this we sometimes experience outages beyond our control.
We have back up power at all of our major feeds. If you are in a more remote location, we may not have that functionality at your feed. Hydro One provides current status for power outages on their website, as well as estimated up times.